With the most wonderful time of the year coming up, I bet a lot of us are already planning some delectable meals to have with our families.

I can’t imagine Christmas without grilled ribs, rich potato salad, or a slice of mouth-watering sweet potato pie, I also know that being mindful of what you’re eating is extremely important for your dental health.

Let’s admit it: Americans love to eat. It’s part of the way we celebrate with each other and show affection. But that means intaking foods that aren’t always healthy, especially during the holidays.

Poor diets are a leading cause of oral disease, so it’s good to keep this in mind while you’re spending time with your family this Christmas.

Here are 3 tips Mobile Dental Xpress recommends you follow during the holidays that will help you and your loved ones maintain your oral health.

1. Brush Often

This one may sound a little obvious, but it’s very important to keep up with your brushing, particularly at times in which you may be indulging in more sweets than usual.

The point of brushing often is to avoid plaque, a build-up of bacteria from eating too many starchy or sugary foods that wear away tooth enamel.

Sugar in particular is a big cause of tooth decay and gum disease. Though it can start small with cavities and gingivitis, gum disease could easily become periodontitis, which can lead to coronary disease and complications in other major organs.

2. Floss After Each Meal

People find flossing to be a pain, but it’s crucial to maintaining not a healthy and good-looking smile.

Taking the time to floss just once a day can prevent so many issues, such as shifting teeth, tooth decay, and gum disease.

During the holidays, try your best to floss after every meal, as it will ensure the best care for your teeth.

3. Don’t Overdo It With the Sweets

I know, I know, this particular tip is almost impossible to follow!

A huge part of celebrating the holidays is indulging in pies, cakes, cookies, eggnog, and wine. And all of these are terrible for the well-being of your teeth!

Ingesting too much sugar, and not taking care of your teeth properly after doing so, is a big cause of cavities. These erosions in teeth can cause pain or even tooth loss, so take it easy on dessert this Christmas.

And don’t forget to brush and floss!

Taking care of your oral health this holiday season is just a small step you can take to improve your quality of life. Even outside of this time of year, it’s important that we all pay closer attention to the foods we eat and their effect on our overall health.

By following a few simple tips, you can keep yourself smiling not only on Christmas but year-round!